唐朝唐隆年间,李隆基(马浚伟 饰)联同姑姑太平公主(陈炜 饰)发动政变,将蚕食法统的韦皇后(米雪 饰)就地正法,拥护相王李旦重回大统。看似重归平静的太极深宫,实则暗流涌动……朝堂之上,风云色变,李隆基与太平公主阵营分化,势成水火。深宫之中,妃嫔角力,王蓁(胡定欣 饰)与郑纯熙(周秀娜 饰)各自为营,尔虞我诈。有人因高权重位舍弃良心,亦有人为至亲至爱放弃一切。龙武军任三恕(马国明 饰)与何离(萧正楠 饰),女史元玥(刘心悠 饰)与甘若芊(黄心颖 饰),用其真情真性,为深宫缀上一笔浪漫……深宫禁苑,悬案丛生。抽丝剥茧后,揭露出一个个尘封多年的惊天秘密;太极之巅,波谲云诡,高墙掩映下,上演着一幕幕荡气回肠的爱恨情仇!

During the reign of Emperor Shang of Tang, Prince of Ping (Steven Ma), and Princess Taiping (Alice Chan) stage a coup and execute the Empress Dowager Wei (Michelle Yim) who was seize power on the court system. They support Prince of Xiang (Lung Kay Lee) in reclaiming the throne. The palace appears to be returning to peace, but, the great waves are secretly approaching - On the court, the aunt-nephew camp of Princess Taiping and Prince of Ping begin to be divided and become like fire and water. Within the inner palace, Prince of Ping's first wife, Wong Zhen (Ting-yan Wu) and favorite concubine Zheng Chunxi (Chrissie Chau) compete with their beauty and cannot get along. Fortunately, within the deceitful inner palace, there is rare integrity. The heroic and righteous imperial guards, Yam Sam-Shu (Kwok-Ming Ma) and Ho Lei (Edwin Siu), and the quiet and elegant department heads, Kam Yeuk-chin (Jacqueline Wong), and Yuen Yuet (Annie Liu), are four genuine people that decorate the gloomy and...

《金枝欲孽》难再有。这是皇族宫斗?暴发户后院起火还差不多。世人只识李隆基杨玉环雪月风花,谁人记得共夺天下的糟糠之妻??。港味剧集的未来,同化或封闭?。比起艺人的流失,更重要的是编剧团队的素质下降。小家子气的年代装X大剧——深宫撕Xor深宫法证先锋(我也跟本剧从表现手法到内容 深入撕一撕!)。跟着《深宫计》学成语:行善天不欺,善念修善果,开心笑一笑,福星会高照。深宫暗藏蠢人计。《深宫计》丨怎么会有怎么神烦的女主?。胡定欣真的是一番女主的剧本吗?。

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