鲍勃•维尔登(伊万•麦克格雷格Ewan McGregor 饰)是个婚姻失败的美国记者,绝望中来到中东,试图设法潜入伊拉克进行战地新闻报道以赢回前妻芳心。鲍勃在科威特遇到了以前采访中听说过的私家建筑商林恩·卡萨迪(乔治•克鲁尼 George Clooney 饰),苦苦哀求后者带他过境。林恩曾是美国陆军“地球精神部队”的特种兵,在越战老兵嬉皮比尔•迪昂格(詹姆斯•布里奇斯 Jess Bridges 饰)的特殊训练方法下寻求“绝地武士超能力”,以精神意念战胜敌人;直到军人拉里•霍珀(凯文•斯帕西 Kevin Spacey 饰)的加入改变了“地球精神部队”的训练方针。鲍勃跟随林恩在伊拉克经历了一系列令人啼笑皆非的事故与事件,到底林恩是否真有“绝地超能力”呢?

A reporter, trying to lose himself in the romance of war after his marriage fails, gets more than he bargains for when he meets a special forces agent who reveals the existence of a secret, psychic military unit whose goal is to end war as we know it. The founder of the unit has gone missing and the trail leads to another psychic soldier who has distorted the mission to serve his own ends.

当神经病遇到神经病。我們都要有超能力。嬉皮士们还活着吧···。密探睥死羊。心中小小的浪漫主義情懷。明星使用失当。童话与信仰。这个世界你信啥?。要做爱,不要作战。We need Jedi !。

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