本片通过女记者朱丽娅(克里斯汀·斯科特·托马斯 Kristin Scott Thomas 饰)的视角重现了二战期间发生在法国巴黎东赛馆事件中的一个悲伤的故事。1942年,在德国占领下的法国巴黎被要求交出居住在巴黎的犹太人。十岁的萨拉(梅路什·玛亚奇 Mélusine M ayance 饰)和她的家人也未能在这次浩劫中幸免于难。在军队搜捕来临之际,萨拉将年幼的弟弟悄悄锁进家中的衣柜保护起来,并小心翼翼地收好了衣柜的钥匙,满心希冀可以通过这个方法让弟弟免于德军的搜捕。可是向往集中营的萨拉意识到这次离开不是一天两天的时候,她拼命逃出集中营回到旧居。可是迎接她的不仅是已经搬进的新住户,还有在衣柜中已经不幸遇难的弟弟。朱丽娅因工作原因受命对这则故事进行挖掘。在采访的过程中她不仅发现了当年掩盖的真相,同时也发现了自己与萨拉一家千丝万缕却又好似命中注定的联系。
One of the darkest moments in French history occurred in 1942 Paris when French officials rounded up over 10,000 Jews and placed them in local camps. Eventually over 8,000 were sent off to German concentration camps. As 10-year old Sarah and her family are being arrested, she hides her younger brother in a closet. After realizing she will not be allowed to go home, Sarah does whatever she can to get back to her brother. In 2009, a journalist named Julia is on assignment to write a story on the deported Jews in 1942. When she moves into her father-in-law's childhood apartment, she realizes it once belonged to the Strazynski family, and their daughter Sarah.
一整条悲伤的河流。真相的代价是 无论你喜不喜欢。残酷历史下的无常命运。小说和电影均值得观看。My whole life is a lie(轻微剧透)。《莎拉的钥匙》小感。讲故事的人。。后半段太冗长、太矫情了。关于《沙拉的钥匙?》三个疑问的猜想。真相的代价。
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