There is a war in the world between the men and the women. A young girl tries to escape this reality and comes to a hidden place where a strange unicorn lives with a family: Sister, Brother, many children and an old woman that never leaves her bed but stays in contact with the world through her radio. Since the content of this picture is not as important as the pictures and allegories, the simple plot can not be described further.

复旧的强迫性。路易·马勒对《黑月亮》的解读。关于一些隐喻的猜测。对这部电影的浅显理解。タイトル。《黑月亮》:她不存在,别理她。关于《黑月亮》的一些细碎灵感。就请等我一下。即便是远离文明社会的神秘庄园 也逃不过战火逼近的厄运吧。关于一个特别特别臭的屁。

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