
A down and out guy called Ping (Derek Tsang) gets a job at a convenience store one night. Ping decides to have some fun to strike back against his new unpleasant employer, Fat Boss (Lam Suet) and colleague Mabel (J. Arie) joins in the mischief. During the night a passerby (Phillip Keung) needs the toilet, a young woman in a cheerleader's outfit (Anita Choi) wants some condoms, and Grandpa (Feng Tsui Fan) wants a sandwich and some large scissors. Before long insanity ensues and the Exceed convenience store becomes the scene of a robbery.

《老笠》,一份鬼马不羁的正宗港味 CULT套饭。那些没有在大陆上映的电影之《老笠》,非类型片荒诞风格告别戏谑闹剧。不管怎样只能活下去。把门关上——做个社会实验如何?。这部电影的重点是:This city is f*cking stuck。。好好讲故事,别装逼。《老笠》的黑色幽默。庆幸香港电影还有拔出颈上剪刀的两秒钟。废墟之上,港片不死。直面惨淡的人生。

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