
The year is 1905. Thomas Richardson travels to a remote island to rescue his sister after she's kidnapped by a mysterious religious cult demanding a ransom for her safe return. It soon becomes clear that the cult will regret the day it baited this man, as he digs deeper and deeper into the secrets and lies upon which the commune is built.

夜卧梦魇。关于邪教,想说点电影相关又之外的。。一个信仰破灭的传教士,救老妹,破邪教,终成使徒。惊悚片里的一股清流。内容有剧透,酌情阅读。一部多元素的非套路的邪教电影。笔记。英式邪教版的神农氏。大惊喜没有,小瑕疵不少。我是莫名哥 我变成了草 我慌的一比。

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