影片入围第75届威尼斯电影节(2018)地平线单元奖。乌拉圭今年的“冲奥片”。改编自乌拉圭军事独裁统治时期的真实故事。   1973年。乌拉圭由军事独裁政权统治。一个秋天的夜晚,三名图帕马罗囚犯在一次秘密军事行动中从他们的牢房中被带走。命令是准确的:“因为我们不能杀死他们,让我们疯狂。”这三个人将被单独监禁十二年。其中有何塞·穆希卡--后来成为乌拉圭总统。

1973. Uruguay is governed by a military dictatorship. One autumn night, three Tupamaro prisoners are taken from their jail cells in a secret military operation. The order is precise: "As we can't kill them, let's drive them mad." The three men will remain in solitary confinement for twelve years. Among them is Pepe Mujica - later to become president of Uruguay.


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