麦可.摩尔(Michael Moore)是美国最具影响力的导演之一,这次他要「侵占」他国,在比美国福利优渥的领土上插旗示威,藉此展开一场奇特又讽刺的文化之旅。曾拍摄《罗杰与我》、《华氏911》,多次创下美国纪录片票房最高纪录的导演麦可.摩尔最新话题之作。   本纪录片已获芝加哥、汉普顿国际电影节观众票选奖,有望角逐第88届奥斯卡金像奖纪录片提名。

To show what the USA can learn from rest of the world, director Michael Moore playfully visits various nations in Europe and Africa as a one-man "invader" to take their ideas and practices for America. Whether it is Italy with its generous vacation time allotments, France with its gourmet school lunches, Germany with its industrial policy, Norway and its prison system, Tunisia and its strongly progressive women's policy, or Iceland and its strong female presence in government and business among others, Michael Moore discovers there is much that American should emulate.


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