《侦探》讲述的是具有天才侦查第六感的主人公大万(权相佑饰)与老手刑警(成东日饰)一起解决神秘杀人案件的故事。权相佑饰演的主人公大万是一家之长,开了一个漫画书店维持生计,而他私下实际上是天才侦探,运营着国内未解决案件和犯罪分析的同好会和博客。这也是权相佑自2011年《痛症》之后再度回归韩国大银幕。   徐英姬在片中饰演生活能力非常强的妻子。权相佑和徐英姬的合作也让影迷非常期待。

Dae-man is a crime enthusiast who runs a power blog about the country's biggest cold cases. He aspired to be a homicide detective but after years of failed attempts, he now runs a comic store. He walks on eggshells around his wife for failing to provide for the family. But he cannot help himself making daily trips to the police station. One day, his best friend and detective, Jun-su, is charged with the murder. Dae-man sets out to investigate to prove his friend's innocence. Only the washed up Detective Noh offers to help his colleague in trouble. A cold case specialist blogger's theory coupled with field experience of a seasoned detective and the two launch a joint investigation into their friend's alleged murder.


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