云岩亭是代表大韩民国最高水准的料理机构,每到换届时会选出一名最强的弟子担任继承人,这一届出现了两个料理高材生,天赋极高的成灿(金康宇 饰)和野心勃勃的奉洙(林元熙 饰)。在最后的比试中,奉洙用卑鄙的手段设局,自己中选的同时,还将成灿赶出了云岩亭。 五年之后,争夺自朝鲜王朝流传下来的“带令熟手刀”的料理大赛即将拉开序幕,各路高手纷纷赶来,意气风发的奉洙对此也是虎视眈眈。而成灿,终于在美食记者智秀(李荷娜 饰)的鼓励下,走出了当年失败的阴影,准备和奉洙再次一决高下,夺回本该属于自己的一切。
A young, incredibly talented chef quits the profession after a contest to head a world-class restaurant ends in tragedy. Retiring to a small rural town with his grandfather, he finds a new and more peaceful existence, working as a farmer and selling vegetables at the local market. Even though content in his new life, when a nationwide cooking competition offers him the chance to take on his long-time rival, Seong-Chan embarks on a journey that will forever change his view of the world and lead him to the most startling revelations. Surrounding himself with a ragtag crew of misfits, each with his own poignant story to tell, he is soon in the media spotlight, facing stiff competition from the other contestants while dealing with his grandfather's diminishing faculties and a long buried family secret. Seong-Chan can only struggle to overcome every adversity with a quiet dignity.
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