柏林由两位天使守护着,一个是对人世疾苦冷眼旁观的卡西尔,另一个是常常感怀于人类疾苦的丹密尔(布鲁诺•甘茨 Bruno Ganz 饰)。二人穿着宽大的天使袍,在城市各处游荡,倾听人们的祈祷,默默观察人们的内心世界。马戏团玛瑞安(苏韦戈•多马丁Solveig Dommartin 饰)的心事引来了丹密尔的同情,因为马戏团经营不善,面临倒闭,玛瑞安满心烦恼。这个马戏团的天使演员令丹密尔动了凡心,他决定化作凡人,追求一段美满感情。   本片荣获1987年第40届戛纳国际电影节最佳导演奖。

Visible only to those like them and to human children, Damiel and Cassiel are two angels, who have existed even before humankind. Along with several other angels, they currently wander around West Berlin, generally on their own, observing and preserving life, sometimes trying to provide comfort to the troubled, although those efforts are not always successful. Among those they are currently observing are: the cast and crew of a movie - a detective story set in WWII Nazi Germany - which include a sensitive and perceptive Peter Falk; an elderly man named Homer looking for eternal peace; and the troupe of a financially failing circus, which has closed early for the season because of those financial problems. One day, Damiel tells Cassiel that he wants to become human, to feel not only the sensory aspects of physical beings, but also emotional aspects. He embarks on this thought with the full realization that there is no turning back if he decides to do so. His thoughts are largely because he has fallen in love with Marion, the trapeze artist with the circus. If he does decide to become a human, there is no guarantee that as a human that he will be able to locate Marion or that she will return his affection. His angels, however, may be looking out for him.

偶开天眼觑红尘 可怜身是眼中人。柏林苍穹下。抛弃上帝也要相爱。维姆文德斯的天使梦(一)。柏林苍穹下(欲望之翼/Wings of desire)。文德斯:跟着感觉去流浪。很久以前抄过里面的诗。【图文影记】哀婉伤怀与生命激情兼具的诗性电影。Peter Handke的诗歌《童年歌谣》。《柏林的天空》电影剧本。

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