故事发生在20世纪30年代,日本帝国主义的铁蹄响彻东亚诸国,风起云涌的时代下,一段段传奇接连上演。在中国,效力于韩国临时政府的局务局队长廉锡镇(李政宰 饰)从监狱中释放了被判处死刑的独立军狙击手安沃允(全智贤 饰),随后又找来了爆破专家黄德三(崔德文 饰)、新兴武官学校毕业生“速射炮”秋尚沃(赵镇雄 饰),密令三人暗杀朝鲜驻军司令官以及本国的卖国贼。危险的行动开始了,可是日本方面却很快收到刺杀任务的线报。在狂蛇乱舞的十里洋场,紧张刺激且充满阴谋的较量交替展开,而这也是有关民族命运的惊险对决……   本片荣获2015年第36届韩国青龙奖最佳影片奖。

Korea in the year 1933, the country is occupied by the Japanese army. Many warriors of the resistance where forced into the exile in China. Now they are trying to organize the fight from the distance. Now the resistance has learned that the highest commander of the Japanese army is going to visit Korea. They decide to take the chance and kill him by assassination. But the only sniper who is able to make that shot is Ahn Ok-yun, who is serving her time in the prison of Shanghai. The resistance agent Yem Sek-jin is set to get her and her comrades out, but his plan is offered to the Japanese by a traitor. Now, Ok-yun and her warriors not just have to flee from the Chinese prison, she also must face the Japanese army and a very special hit-man, assigned to take her down.


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