The story is set during the Jin-Song Wars. Two women escaped while pregnant when their husbands were killed. Their sons grew up separately. Guo Jing is honest, loyal and righteous, but slow-witted. Yang Kang is clever, but scheming and treacherous. They eventually meet each other and their respective lovers, Huang Rong and Mu Nianci. The main plot follows Guo Jing and Huang Rong's adventures and their encounters with the Five Greats.
只转篇文章:新《射雕》监制:大明星请不起 我还要去抠像!。我们应该为认真的翻拍鼓掌。终于不用看霸屏的某颖某恩某天使啦。《射雕》是良心剧?。以此剧之风,正浮夸玄幻之邪气。借题发挥,怎么拍好金庸剧。细节出经典:《射雕》边看边评。李宗翰,最成功的杨铁心。武侠剧的希望。少了一股江湖气。
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