乔(汤姆•汉克斯 Tom Hanks 饰)和凯瑟琳(梅格•瑞安 Meg Ryan 饰)是生意上的竞争对手。凯瑟琳经营着母亲留下来的小书店,那里温馨宜人,已有40年历史,为街坊所熟知。乔却是同街一间大书店的老板,凭着自身优势,一开业就搞低折扣、服务佳的策略。凯瑟琳十分排斥他的入侵,白天二人展开斗法。不料晚上却在互联网的虚拟时间中结为挚友,不知道彼此身份的夜谈,让他们感情迅速升温。 虽然他们都有自己的情侣,但网络中倾心的交往令他们决定要出来见见面。然而就在此时,乔却意外知道了这个网上知己的真实身份,从此对凯瑟琳有了全新的认识,暗暗忖度该如何接近佳人……
The owner of a large bookstore chain starts putting the owner of a small local bookstore out of business. Meanwhile they have been corresponding over the internet without knowing who either of them are. They can't stand each other in person but over the internet they are very attracted. He finds out who she is but she doesn't know. He starts to like her more but she still hates him. He has to fix it.
十年,我亲爱的Meg。两个人的城市与书店。星巴克,《傲慢与偏见》及其它/内地小城市小资必看之电影。《You‘ve got mail》出现的音乐全解析。期待豆邮(1),就像期待一场艳遇。因为你才相信爱情。you've got love。一不小心坠入情“网”的敌人。《网络情缘》电影剧本。像彩虹一般绚丽而多彩的人生。
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