
Yellowstone follows the Dutton family, led by John Dutton, who controls the largest contiguous ranch in the United States, under constant attack by those it borders - land developers, an Indian reservation, and America's first National Park. It is an intense study of a violent world far from media scrutiny - where land grabs make developers billions, and politicians are bought and sold by the world's largest oil and lumber corporations. Where drinking water poisoned by fracking wells and unsolved murders are not news: they are a consequence of living in the new frontier. It is the best and worst of America seen through the eyes of a family that represents both.

一集封神 不要拿它和「西部世界」比。求求人人字幕组别毁剧了!给还没看的朋友提个醒,千万不要使用人人字幕观看。。爆裂、狂野、深刻,下半年第一部值得我吹爆的新剧!。一场弱肉强食的游戏。蒙大拿保留地的女人们。如果戴上帽子就能成为牛仔。专门开贴回应下这篇剧评"求求人人字幕组别毁剧了!给还没看的朋友提个醒,千万不要使用人人字幕观看。"。《黄石》主要人物及分集介绍。人物描写很厉害了这部剧。论狗咬狗。

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