After having been rewarded for solving the mystery of the Pink Panther Diamond, inspector Jacques Clouseau has been assigned to minor tasks by his boss inspector Dreyfus so as not to have him in his way anymore. Unfortunately, the famous diamond has once again been stolen as have many other artifacts in a series of burglaries around the world. His past success will enable inspector Clouseau to be part of the dream team comprised of the greatest detectives of the affected countries, where he will be able to display his numerous talents across the world.

我的心灵鸡汤。粉红豹2。粉红豹里的 Jeremy Irons。第二部显然没有第一部好。差点意思。法国版憨豆先生2。话说我很喜欢小包袱。粉红豹二。就是让你开心。暂时脑残,有益健康。

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