弗兰克(约翰·哈克斯 John Hawkes 饰)的妻子先他一步去世了,临死前,她把自己的骨灰托付给了弗兰克,嘱咐他一定要将它们洒在她位于爱尔兰的家乡的土地上。就这样,弗兰克踏上了前往爱尔兰的旅途,根据妻子的遗愿,他不得不带上与自己关系非常疏远的儿子肖恩(罗根·勒曼 Logan Lerman 饰)。   对于肖恩来说,他甚至都不愿意见到弗兰克,更别说和他一起旅行了。然而,一连串意外的发生让经济窘迫的他不得不暂时低头,为了得到一张免费的前往西海岸的机票而答应了父亲的要求。一路上,父子两人吵吵不断,几乎在每一件事情上都存在着分歧。

After being widowed, Frank Fogle reluctantly embarks on a journey to honor his wife's last wish of spreading her ashes in a remote lake in her native Ireland and a promise of taking his estranged son, Sean, along for the trip. As Sean steps out of prison the last thing on his mind is a foreign road trip with his alienated father. What he needs is a fresh start in California. But when his travel plans collapse he reluctantly accepts his father's proposal in return for a ticket to the West Coast and a promise that they never have to see each other again. Between a disconcerting Irish wake, the surfacing of an old flame, the pick up of a pretty hitchhiker and plenty of unresolved issues, the journey becomes a little more than father and son had bargained for.


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