唐纳德(科林·费斯 Colin Firth 饰)是一名郁郁不得志的小企业家,他发明的新式航海仪因为受众面太窄而得不到市场的认可,这令他感到无颜面对家人。泰晤士报举办的环球航行大赛吸引了唐纳德的注意,他绝对放手一搏参加比赛,以挽回自己最后的尊严。   这比赛非常的艰苦,唐纳德必须独自一人完成漫长的赛程,在此期间船只不能够靠岸。起初的亢奋平息之后,唐纳德渐渐被对于未知的恐惧所包围,可此时他所居住的小镇和周围的邻居家人们已经将他视作航海英雄,对他寄予厚望,这令唐纳德骑虎难下,只得硬着头皮上了。唐纳德所担心的意外接二连三的发声了。

The incredible story of Donald Crowhurst , an amateur sailor who competed in the 1968 Sunday Times Golden Globe Race in the hope of becoming the first person in history to single-handedly circumnavigate the globe without stopping. With an unfinished boat and his business and house on the line, Donald leaves his wife, Clare and their children behind, hesitantly embarking on an adventure on his boat the Teignmouth Electron. The story of Crowhurst's dangerous solo voyage and the struggles he confronted on the epic journey while his family awaited his return is one of the most enduring mysteries of recent times.

50年前,一群记者亲手把他推进了海里。怜悯?恩慈?解脱?。Donald与海。一个普通人的“朝闻道,夕死可矣”。#电光幻影# 《怜悯》,生存不易,且行且珍惜。。三星半,不過不失。比較適合在電影院看。。怜悯不如改名梦醒时分。怜悯:孤帆远影碧空尽,我命由我不由天。怜悯。怜悯。

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