1985年,那时正是美苏两极争霸越演越烈的年代,史泰龙自导自演的洛基系列也出到了第四集,这一系列影片旨在振奋人心、宣扬美国精神。这一集讲述的是洛基(西尔维斯特•史泰龙 Sylvester Stallone 饰)的好友前美国拳王到苏联出战他们研制的拳击机械人,不敌对手最终身遭不测。为了帮好友复仇和维护国家荣誉,洛基决定再次出马。 出战前,洛基进行了一系列精心的准备工作,他深入到大自然,利用自然的艰苦条件刻苦训练。当一切准备妥当,洛基和苏联拳王――拳击机械人的决斗展开了!
Ever since his match with Clubber Lang, Rocky Balboa has a peaceful life. And now he and former champion, Apollo Creed, enjoy good times and are now the best of friends. But Rocky's peaceful life as a boxer gets paused after a match Apollo went into. Unfortunately, Creed fought Ivan drago, a 6'5" Russian who has never lost a match, and sadly, brutally murders Apollo in the ring. A funeral is held and times start going downhill fast. Now, in order to restore honor, Rocky challenges Drago to a match and must beat him for sweet, bitter vengeance.
狗血,但是意味深长。洛奇的抗击打能力超乎寻常!。《洛奇4》:美苏争霸。洛奇4。拳王的尊严。RockyⅣ。关于洛基。Rocky IV。洛奇4拳重小考。算影评吧。
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