
Emmy® winners Jeff Daniels and Brendan Gleeson star as former FBI Director James Comey and President Donald J. Trump in this limited event series that tells the story of two powerful men, whose strikingly different personalities, ethics and loyalties put them on a collision course. Part one follows the investigation into Hillary Clinton's emails and their impact on the election. Part two is an account of first months of the Trump presidency - where allies became enemies, enemies became friends and truth depended on what side you were on.

更高的忠诚。川普,得罪的可能是整个好莱坞。。国内影视、媒体行业的学习标杆——如何重塑感官。吃瓜群众欢乐多。Well Deserved!。经典不显山漏水的嘲讽。至高忠诚-科米的规则。为什么我不希望特朗普获胜?看了这个剧你就明白。我来梳理一下剧情吧。制度与人心。

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