金发碧眼的洋娃娃(Emily Browning 饰)宛如一只时刻会受到惊吓的小鸟,这一天她被送进一家私人会所。该会所由蓝佬(Oscar Isaac 饰)掌控,他四处网罗妙龄女孩,并让葛斯基夫人(Carla Gugino 饰)教授她们舞蹈,旨在取悦那些腰缠万贯的富翁和手眼通天的政要。洋娃娃在此结识了小甜荳(Abbie Cornish 饰)、火箭女(Jena Malone 饰)、布女郎(Vanessa Hudgens 饰)、黑琥珀(Jamie Chung 饰)这4名好友。洋娃娃不愿沦为供人把玩的工具,她与朋友们商量从此逃走。逃亡计划需要4样工具:地图、打火机、刀和钥匙。朋友们负责盗取这些工具,而洋娃娃则用她那迷人且极具魔幻色彩的舞蹈吸引着蓝佬等人的注意力。   只是终究也分不清,这是谁人的魔幻世界……

A young girl (Baby Doll) is locked away in a mental asylum by her abusive stepfather where she will undergo a lobotomy in five days' time. Faced with unimaginable odds, she retreats to a fantastical world in her imagination where she and four other female inmates at the asylum, plot to escape the facility. The lines between reality and fantasy blur as Baby Doll and her four companions, as well as a mysterious guide, fight to retrieve the five items they need that will allow them to break free from their captors before it's too late...

其实暗黑又堵心。对它投入101%的爱,即便是让我这个纯情宅受到了莫大的伤害。思想极其深刻的一部片。。这个世纪最牛逼的一部A片。非单纯打斗女生故事,剧情需要细心思考才明白。还有比这更厚道的加长版么?细数<sucker punch>加长版补充的删减镜头!。那些不给5星的孩纸你们真的看懂《Sucker Punch》了嘛?。我就是气不过!明明很好看好吧!少误导人了你们!(和人吵架用的)。豆瓣里的剧情简介是不对的。这是一部被严重低估的施耐德电影!。

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