Pierre Lachenay, a middle-aged, well-known publisher and lecturer, is married to Franca, an unbalanced woman, and father of Sabine, a 10-year-old girl. While traveling to Lisbon for a lecture, Pierre Lachenay has a one night stand with Nicole, the Panair do Brasil air stewardess. He wants to see her again and again, they travel to Reims together, and Pierre hides the affair from his family, mostly to spare his daughter the anguish of a separation. Nicole is taking it lightly but Pierre, misunderstanding her feelings and expectations, decides to live with her. The couple's break-up leads to a tragic end.
死在温柔里。最好的电影。弗朗索瓦•特吕弗作品《柔肤》观后座谈会纪要。特吕弗危言耸听的教条主义。那些法国女人们。中年真是作。偷情沒有好下場。有情有义者、情痴等真爱党就不要玩火了。爱是啥。Soft will, more like。
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