在得知親生兒子擁有超能力後,父親(麥克夏儂 飾演)載著兒子展開了一趟亡命旅程,並揭開兒子擁有超能力的神秘真相。

Alton Meyer is a boy unlike any other in the world with bizarrely powerful abilities and strange weaknesses. In the middle of the night, his father, Roy, spirits him away from the isolated cult that practically worships him and is determined to regain him at all costs. At the same time, Alton's abilities have been noticed by the US government as well and they are equally insistent on getting to the bottom of this mystery with Paul Sevier of the National Security Agency leading the Federal pursuit with his own questions. These rival hunts force father and son into a desperate run towards a looming date with destiny that could change everything.

作为父亲的使命,杰夫·尼克尔斯执导作品——北美新片《午夜逃亡》漫谈。一个投错了胎的外星人的回归故事。批评 |《午夜逃亡》:小切口到大世界。完全就是部佐德将军和超人的父子同人剧。。立意深刻新颖,但是剧情拖沓!。傻子写的剧本,奇葩拍的电影。节奏是最大的亮点。你们人类啊,总想天上掉馅饼!。费米悖论以及迷失在午夜的光。导演牛逼。

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