在巴基斯坦白沙瓦的难民营里,阿富汗少年贾马与数万名同胞一起,在国际援助极其有限、工作报酬微薄的生活中苦苦挣扎,大量难民为改善生活尝试偷渡欧洲。贾马的表哥准备前往英国伦敦谋生,在付给人蛇不菲的报仇后,因贾马稍通英语,表哥带上了他。二人由陆路经过伊朗、土耳其,沿途经历了伊朗警察的扣留,打工筹集路费,藏身水果运输车的旅行……终于登上了驶向欧洲的货轮,然而漫长的旅途夺去了表哥等人的生命,贾马只得孤身一人,在陌生的欧洲大陆摸索前行……   本片为营造纪录片的真实气氛,角色全由真正的难民出演。获2003年柏林金熊奖等多项专业褒奖。

In February 2002 in the Shamshatoo Refugee Camp in the North West Frontier Province in Pakistan, there are 53,000 refugees living in sub-human conditions since 1979 with the Soviet Union invasion and 2001 with the USA bombing and invasion of Afghanistan. The family of the Afghan Enayat and his cousin Jamal decides to send them illegally to London to have a better life. They hire coyotes to smuggle the cousins through Iran and Turkey to Italy and finally London hidden inside trucks and containers. However, the long journey locked in a container with other families poses a terrible challenge to the boys.


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