澳大利亚墨尔本,华裔厨师积奇(成龙 饰)是当地小有名气的人物,定期在电视上主持烹饪节目。   毒枭金·卡洛(Richard Norton 饰)集团颇有势力,金·卡洛本人残暴冷酷,清除了敌对帮派的卧底之后率众和对方在仓库大打出手,而枪战全过程被记者戴安娜(Gabrielle Fitzpatrick 饰)用摄影机记录。在躲避贩毒集团追逐的路上,戴安娜巧遇积奇,后者仗义出手为她引开歹徒,孰料两人分手时戴安娜错将积奇的节目录像带当做证据带走。戴安娜的住处很快被贩毒集团找到,遍搜不获的歹徒们开始将目标转向积奇。积奇女友美琪(李婷宜 饰)远道来访,特意参加了积奇的节目录制,贩毒集团在录制现场围捕积奇,经过一番街头苦战,积奇终于脱险。黄雀在后的金·卡洛敌对帮派带走了美琪,要挟积奇用录像带换人,一时间,围绕着录像带,积奇、警方、以及两个犯罪集团陷入了混乱的争夺战。

In Melbourne, the Chinese Chef Jackie has a successful show on television. The drug lord Giancarlo and his gang are dealing cocaine with The Demons gang, but they fight against each other. During the shooting, the snoopy reporter Diana and her partner are accidentally exposed and they flee with a VHS tape with the footage of the negotiation. On the street, she stumbles with Jackie and he helps her fighting against the gangsters. When they are escaping in his car, her tape accidentally mixes with other videotapes that Jackie has in a box on the backseat of his car. Jackie goes to his apartment and meets his girlfriend Miki while his nephews "borrow" the tape to watch. Meanwhile Giancarlo's gangsters are looking for the tape and abduct Miki. Jackie's friend Romeo, who is a police detective, chases the gangsters with other policemen while Jackie teams up with Diana and his friend Lakisha to release Miki from Giancarlo.

后VCD泛滥时代。好人不唯一 "成龙"只唯你。一个好人。兔子急了也会咬人。童年记忆?。

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