豹子丁冲一双铁拳闻名江湖,与两位朋友常无意及张聋子受聘护送一名病人前往京城叶神医处求医。因病情危急,须取道卷云山,但卷云山盗贼盘踞,恶魔群集,近十年无人敢经过。 在上山途中丁冲等人遇到无数陷井、危机,凭借三人的机智和超人的武功,破了一阵又一阵,闯了一关又一关,到最后内情令三人大出意料......

A local Kung Fu expert is hired to form a team of guards to escort an dying man to a doctor. In order that they reach the doctor in time, they must pass through the "Stormy Hills", which are plagued by bandits, savages, evil monks are more.


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