Jon Martello objectifies everything in his life: his apartment, his car, his family, his church, and, of course, women. His buddies even call him Don Jon because of his ability to pull "10s" every weekend without fail. Yet even the finest flings don't compare to the transcendent bliss he achieves alone in front of the computer watching pornography. Dissatisfied, he embarks on a journey to find a more gratifying sex life, but ends up learning larger lessons of life and love through relationships with two very different women.

关于恋爱和性的有趣洞察。黄片的罪与罚。性事重重的爱情。Don Jon:被建构的性与爱。他为什么不想和你结婚?。唐璜与囧瑟夫。女友和A片是拴在一根藤上的蚂蚱。《唐璜》:鼻血戏给你上堂生动的爱情课。女人永远无法理解,撸管是男人的天性。。就这么说说Don Jon。

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