40 years have passed after the events of the Nirvana in Fire. Xiao Ting Sheng (father of two young sons, Ping Zhang and Ping Jing) is the Prince of Chang Lin and general of the Great Liang dynasty's army. However, the officials in the imperial palace are corrupt and hate the power of the Chang Lin Army. Also there are powerful enemies from a neighboring kingdom who have old grudges to settle.

从赤焰到长林,是补全,也是成全。(已更完)。《琅琊榜2》大结局了,它真正想说的是什么?。赤焰犹在,长林永存 (全文完)。梅长苏当年救的3个孩子,终于知道他们后来的结局了!。两声哥哥喊哭观众,刘钧孙淳即兴发挥,7个字台词贡献王炸级演技。似曾相识燕归来~琅琊榜一二部同镜头截图【不定时更】。月下舞剑的少年 老于今朝。不管最终这剧走向如何,黄晓明目前是没问题的。数字时代的长篇小说——长篇电视连续剧。盘点长林府两兄弟的有爱细节【更新至大结局。

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