David Attenborough's legendary BBC crew explains and shows wildlife all over planet earth in 10 episodes. The first is an overview the challenges facing life, the others are dedicated to hunting, the deep sea and various major evolutionary groups of creatures: plants, primates and other large sections of other vertebrates and invertebrates.

David的片子从不让人失望。把半年压缩成六十秒。看这个纪录片之前,我不知道的事情。还有什么能如生命般美丽。语录。无与伦比的美丽。BBC自然历史单元:全球最佳的自然纪录片制片方。《地球脉动》之后又一扛鼎之作 视觉盛宴同时更是心灵震撼。Thank you, David。无与伦比的“动物世界”。

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