20世纪50年代,美国乔治亚州。女孩玛丽·路易斯(萨布丽娜 科恩 Sabrina Kern 饰)与男友陷入热恋。浪漫之夜,年轻男女偷尝禁果,却间接导致了一场灾难。疯狂酗酒的父亲愈加暴戾无常,为了保护即将出世的孩子,玛丽逃进由一栋大别墅改造的神女修道院寻求庇护。这里地处偏远,几乎与世隔绝,修女们不苟言笑,甚至偏执得几近变态。住在这里的女孩们战战兢兢,惶惶不可终日。不久,玛丽被赐名阿加莎,她仿佛成为修道院的囚徒,失去了身体和灵魂的自由。   万事并未好转,女孩的生活朝着更黑暗的方向走去……

Set in the 1950s in small-town Georgia, a pregnant young woman named Agatha seeks refuge in a convent. What first starts out as the perfect place to have a child turns into a dark layer where silence is forced, ghastly secrets are masked, and every bit of will power Agatha has is tested as she learns the sick and twisted truth of the convent and the odd people that lurk inside its halls.


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