宁王府博物馆讲解员卢亦华(韩月乔 饰)发现一令人心悸的“鬼”影。她的同事罗敏(李萍 饰)将此事告诉了在公安局工作的哥哥罗捷(迟志强 饰),职业的本能使罗捷决心揭开这个“鬼”影之谜。卢亦华和图书管理员肖凌(袁苑 饰)正在热恋中,通过调查,肖凌的诡异行踪引起罗捷怀疑。接触中,罗捷爱上了卢亦华。卢的父亲是位历史学家,他证实墙壁上的怪影是宁王府当年的福晋那颜氏,而那个“鬼”影又是谁呢?侦察过程中, 肖凌的同事常文虎(姜一守 饰)遭人暗杀,后证实为其舅舅冯杰下的毒手。在破案过程中,罗捷发现卢亦华与肖凌真心相爱,他陷入两难之中......   本片改编自八十年代早期的科幻小说《王府怪影》。

An old mansion, sealed for years, re-opens as a museum. A ghost is sighted by the museum's guide, our heroine, who has fallen for a social outcast, a scientist obsessed with finding ghosts with his machines. A film with a ghost, but a lot more than just a ghost story. A film about embracing the advancement of society, opening one's mind and pursuing one's beliefs against all odds. Based on a scifi novel.

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