
During IMF & World Bank Summit and demonstrations which upset Madrid, like other capitals, major corporation Dekia holds interviews to recruit a top executive from seven applicants. Their doubts start when they have to sign a clause accepting the Grönholm method, which nobody ever heard of. It soon becomes clear the tests are dirty mind games, but never what is true and what the trick. They must guess who among them is the HR mole, and repeatedly eliminate one of their number from the procedure. Their priorities, ethics and loyalty are put trough stressing tests.

看了简评 发现原来没一个给看明白的。这种面试千万不要参加。现实中的“大逃杀”。对结尾的一点理解,不一定对。《生存法则》与杀人游戏中的套子。导演借面试讽刺了西班牙的局势。这家银行挑选职员的标准是:狡猾、冷酷、不择手段、只忠诚于公司,简言之既人渣。其实谁又能说清生存之法则呢。无情的是男人还是女人?。好片子。

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