清朝末年,曾任黑旗水军教头兼民团总教练的广东佛山武师黄飞鸿(李连杰)常在宝芝林教人练武,期望借此自强救国,可是眼见政府苟且偷生洋人横行霸道,他渐渐领悟到单凭武术不足以使民众从苦海中脱离,开始努力找寻其它救国出路。梅县梁宽(元彪)在戏院结识黄飞鸿的恋人十三姨(关之琳)后与黄飞鸿出生种种误会,终投武夫严振东门下与黄飞鸿成为敌手。   严振东与洋人连手鼓吹美国是金山世界,将包括十三姨在内的大批中国妇女骗掳上洋船,梁宽此时幡然醒悟,明白黄飞鸿是友非敌,在他的帮助下,黄飞鸿开始与洋人及其爪牙展开浴血奋战。

Set in late 19th century Canton this martial arts film depicts the stance taken by the legendary martial arts hero Wong Fei-Hung (1847-1924) against foreign forces' (English, French and American) plundering of China. When Aunt Yee arrives back from America totally westernised, Wong Fei-Hung assumes the role of her protector. This proves to be difficult when his martial arts school and local militia become involved in fierce battles with foreign and local government. As violence escalates even Aunt Yee has to question her new western ideals, but is it possible to fight guns with Kung Fu?


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