热恋中的珍妮(Kelly Reilly 饰)与史帝夫(Michael Fassbender 饰)来到美丽的湖边,计划度过一个浪漫而温馨的周末。但是他们的周末被一群胡作非为、大声喧哗的少年给搅乱。一番口角冲突过后,夫妇俩的食物以及车钥匙不翼而飞。他们只得徒步前往镇上求助,却不知道,这恰恰是恶梦的开始……   本片荣获2009年《帝国》杂志奖最佳恐怖片奖、2009年葡萄牙奇幻国际电影节最佳导演奖、2009年伦敦影评电影金像奖英国年度青年演员奖(Thomas Turgoose)、2008年Sitges – Catalonian国际电影节评审团特别奖最佳影片。

Nursery teacher Jenny and her boyfriend Steve, escape for a romantic weekend away. Steve, planning to propose, has found an idyllic setting: a remote lake enclosed by woodlands and seemingly deserted. The couple's peace is shattered when a gang of obnoxious kids encircles their campsite. Reveling in provoking the adults, the gang steals the couple's belongings and vandalizes their car leaving them completely stranded. When Steve confronts them, tempers flare and he suffers a shocking and violent attack. Fleeing for help, Jenny is subject to a brutal and relentless game of cat-and-mouse as she desperately tries to evade her young pursuers and find her way out of the woods.


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