Texas greenhorn Joe Buck arrives in New York for the first time. Preening himself as a real 'hustler', he finds that he is the one getting 'hustled' until he teams up with a down-and-out but resilient outcast named Ratso Rizzo. The initial 'country cousin meets city cousin' relationship deepens. In their efforts to bilk a hostile world rebuffing them at every turn, this unlikely pair progress from partners in shady business to comrades. Each has found his first real friend.

关于《午夜牛郎》闪回镜头(蒙太奇)的内容解析【技术贴】。Welcome to the Jungle。你买阿司匹林的时候,我可能已经升天了。午夜牛郎——以后也许再也不会有这样的时空,出现这样的电影了。上流和下流。《Midnight Cowboy[午夜牛郎]》如果不够坏,那就做个好人。导演说。在MIDNIGHT说COWBOY。说说男主角--Jon Voight。《午夜牛郎》。

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