该剧由斯皮尔伯格的Amblin电视制片公司为ABC开发,故事根据Ray Bradbury撰写的短篇小说《Zero Hour》改编,主要讲述一种「无形」的外星人试图利用地球上最宝贵的资源来毁灭地球人,人类被迫争分夺秒来拯救自己。这种「最宝贵的资源」就是……孩子。
When children across Washington, D.C., all start talking with the same imaginary friend named Drill, who persuades them to play dangerous games, the FBI calls in child specialist Claire Bennigan - whose deaf son has been speaking to Drill, unbeknownst to her - to investigate. Meanwhile, the defense department sends Wes Lawrence to the Sahara Desert, where he encounters a strange geological phenomenon. As puzzle pieces come together, creating a frightening picture, humanity must wage a battle against unseen forces if it hopes to survive.
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