这是斯坦利·库布里克的第一部故事片。剧本出自他的高中同学、诗人Howard Sackler之手,拍摄资金也是库布里克自己筹措,大部分是向父亲、叔叔和朋友们借的。这部作品和库布里克以后的影片一样充满了超现实主义象征性,因此只有一家艺术片商愿意发行和放映,而库布里克认为此片只是一部实习作品,他只答应私下放映,并多次想将拷贝销毁。尽管如此,本片还是赢得了一些评论家的好评,尤其是在摄影方面。

A ficticious war in an unidentified country provides the setting for this drama. Four soldiers survive the crash-landing of their plane to find themselves in a forest six miles behind enemy lines. The group, led by Lt. Corby, has a plan: They'll make their way to a nearby river, build a raft, and then, under cover of night, float back to friendly territory. Their plans for getting back safely are sidetracked by a young woman who stumbles across them as they hide in the woods, and by the nearby presence of an enemy general who one member of the group is determined to kill.

自毁之旅。Everyone is an island。只是一座孤島啊。恐惧与欲望。恐惧与欲望影评。成长该面对的欲望与内心。忧郁的看待这个世界。恐惧战胜欲望则走向死亡,欲望战胜恐惧则走向癫狂。《恐惧与欲望》与《机动警察2剧场版》河边独白。【305】Fear and Desire。

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