This Chinese ghost film centers on the theme of the haunted streets in Hong Kong, where four loosely connected stories are depicted. A group of young friends go on a camping trip in the countryside, where Ken encounters a mysterious woman near a grave. Afterward, Ken's life is changed forever as he becomes a victim of ghost meddling. As the friends journey back to Hong Kong without Ken, another sinister story takes place. Mrs. To has a date with her husband to celebrate their wedding anniversary, but becomes concern when he doesn't show up. The outcome of this second story leads to Ken's friend Jojo being courted by a ghost, and ultimately leads to the final story where Peter Butt unknowingly visits a haunted theater with some of Ken's friends.
《阴阳路》:记忆中的港产鬼片起点。阴阳路之我看。这片名拍了近20部,只有这一部才是本源之作。剧情。阴阳路第一部剧情。举头三尺,有神明。很爱这种布局。【吐槽】论电影的影响。还真有点想念这些有鬼的恐怖片。。阴阳路 不过如此。
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