Don Anderson is the Mickey's food restaurant chain's Marketing Director. He is the inventor of the "Big One" the hamburger best seller of Mickey's. An independent research reports the presence of cow's feces in the Big One. So Don is sent to Cody, Colorado, to verify if the slaughterhouse, main supplier of Mickey's, is efficient as it appears and the production process is regular. During his investigations he discovers the horrible truth behind a simple hamburger; the reality is not like we think it is. Don discovers what the mass production system involves, from the temp workers like Amber, to the exploitation of Mexican irregular immigrants. It is not only the meat that is crushed in the mincing machine, but all our society.

认真地把屎吃到嘴里。现实让人难以接受。我们知道自己生活在这样的世界。快餐帝国。多线索描述的佳作。多喝豆浆,中式快餐和多国多种类快餐--本质是找到真正的生活。Fast Food or Fastly Die。食物界的悲惨世界。盛极必衰。很残忍的现实。

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