富商林醒得知自己身患绝症时日无多,于是派人寻找自己失散多年的孙子林天赐(林俊贤 饰)。林醒告诉林天赐,如果他能够在一个月之内觅得知心人结婚的话,便可以合理合法的继承自己的遗产,若非如此,这笔数额巨大的财产将归于林醒的侄子罗伯特。 林天赐是一个老实的好人,抽烟喝酒泡妞一概不会,眼看着一个月的期限将至,在这个节骨眼上,林天赐在快餐店里邂逅了名为乐小小(李嘉欣 饰)的女子,眼看着两人渐渐浓情蜜意起来罗伯特坐不住了,他派出了性感美艳的玛丽琳(利智 饰)诱惑勾引林天赐,成功的离间了前者和乐小小的感情。哪知道玛丽琳贪图遗产,竟然决定真的和林天赐结婚。
On his death bed in the United States Mr. Lin grants his grandson, Lin Tien-Chi, his wealth of US$300 million, but only if Tien-Chi can find a wife within a month. Tien-Chi, however, is very shy and has never had any luck with the opposite sex. Mr. Lin's nephew, Robert, who will get the money should Tien-Chi fail, does everything in his power to prevent Tien-Chi from marrying. In the end, Tien-Chi has two women to choose from: Feng Mu-Jen, who is deceiving him to help Robert get the money, and Lo Hsiao-Hsiao, a beautiful poor girl who is set up time and again by Robert and Mu-Jen so that Tien-Chi will not choose her.
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