性格内向只知道一门心思读书的大学生金木研(洼田正孝 饰),与偶然邂逅的美丽女孩神代利世(苍井优 饰)兴趣相投。谁知一段时间交往过后,利世竟露出可怕的面容,意图生吃掉金木。原来利世是一种名叫“喰种”的变异人种,他们将人类作为唯一食物。关键时刻,利世死于意外,而重伤的金木则被移植了来自利世的部分器官,却由此也变成了“喰种”的一员。康复后的金木再也无法摄入人类的食物,饱受饥饿困扰之际,他被在咖啡馆工作的董香(清水富美加 饰)介绍栖身于“喰种”群集的安全区。与此同时,CCG上等搜查官真户吴绪(大泉洋 饰)和部下全力追查“喰种”的行踪。人类和食尸鬼的战争一触即发……   本片根据同名漫画改编。

In Tokyo, the shy student Kaneki Ken dates the girl Kamishiro Rize and while in a lonely park, she attacks him since she is a flesh-eater ghoul. Kaneki escapes but soon he learns that he has become a ghoul. He befriends a group of peaceful ghouls and tries to live his new life with them. However they are hunted down by relentless two police officers from the Ghoul Division in charge of eradicate ghouls from their district.


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