一个脾气顽固的老头星七(朴根滢饰)在一家位于韩国某老城区的超市工作。老板很年轻,但生意被新区的新超市所威胁,一心盼望重建赔偿让他解困,可惜被老头一人反对从而延误整个老区的重建计划。   独居的老头爱上了邻居花店婆婆金妮(尹茹贞饰),两个老人想鼓起勇气谈恋爱,但对方女儿反对, 就在老头患得患失之时,婆婆原来的病情开始反复。   而一段往事渐渐浮出水面……

Sung-chil is a grumpy 70-year-old man who lives alone and works part-time at the local supermarket. Jang-soo, owner of the supermarket and president of the city's redevelopment project, has been trying in vain to get Sung-chil's signature (he's the last hold-out and the only reason for the project's delay), but Sung-chil stubbornly refuses any change to his lifestyle. Then he meets his new neighbor Geum-nim, a feisty yet friendly elderly lady who runs the flower shop next door. Despite his age, Sung-chil is inexperienced and clumsy at romance so the entire town cheers him on and helps him court her. But Geum-nim's daughter Min-jung disapproves of the relationship.

我不想忘记你。最后的初恋。《小岛惊魂》版的阿兹海默症片~。自备纸巾。除非黄土白骨,我守你百岁无忧。老人照护的最高境界。再一次泪崩。阿兹海默 海也沉默。事情是这样的。即使忘记一切,也终不舍对你的爱恋。

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