哈利波特(丹尼尔•雷德克里夫 Daniel Radcliffe 饰)结束了假期,即将回到霍格沃兹继续学习魔法。一个叫多比的家养小精灵警告哈利不要回到霍格沃兹,否则会陷入极大的危险。哈利没有听从多比的劝告,回到了霍格沃兹。很快,霍格沃兹发生了一连窜怪事:接二连三出现学生被石化,一直找不出原因。而哈利总能听到一种奇怪的声音,从墙壁里传出来。   传说,霍格沃兹有一个密室,里面记录着伏地魔年轻时的秘密,只有斯莱特林的人才能打开密室。哈利偶然发现自己能听懂蛇说话,一时传闻是哈利打开了密室。难道多比所指的危险就隐藏在密室?

Forced to spend his summer holidays with his muggle relations, Harry Potter gets a real shock when he gets a surprise visitor: Dobby the house-elf, who warns Harry Potter against returning to Hogwarts, for terrible things are going to happen. Harry decides to ignore Dobby's warning and continues with his pre-arranged schedule. But at Hogwarts, strange and terrible things are indeed happening: Harry is suddenly hearing mysterious voices from inside the walls, muggle-born students are being attacked, and a message scrawled on the wall in blood puts everyone on his/her guard - "The Chamber Of Secrets Has Been Opened. Enemies Of The Heir, Beware" .


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