1938年,日军的铁蹄蹂躏中华大地,而江南水乡的吴府却宛如立身桃花之源,过着与世隔绝的安逸生活。   吴府女主人吴太太(罗燕 饰)40岁寿宴那天,其好友康太太难产,命悬一线。吴太太匆匆赶往好友处,在此偶遇孤儿院的洋人医生安德鲁(Willem Dafoe 威廉•达福 饰)。安 德鲁不顾中国传统观念的偏见,用西洋艺术将康太太从死神手中夺回。   不久吴府请安德鲁为少爷吴凤慕(赵耀翰 饰)传授西学。凤慕同情爱慕父亲的小妾秋明(丁艺 饰),但父亲已经为其定下康家的小姐为妻。凤慕每天闷闷不乐,而吴太太却和安德鲁在授课中逐渐为对方所吸引。这两对人的恋情将何去何从……

In 1938, Ailian is the forty years old wife of a wealthy man, Mr. Wu, who belongs to the traditional Wu Family in China. In order to get rid off her sexual obligations with her husband, Ailian gives Chiuming, a very young concubine to him. Andre is an American priest and doctor who takes care of an orphanage and becomes the tutor of her eighteen years old son Fengmo Wu. Father Andre starts giving classes to Fengmo, Ailian and Chiuming. Then, two forbidden loves will rise: between the priest and the first wife, and between the son and the concubine, having the invasion of China by the Japanese in a big picture.


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