This rock opera tells the story of one year in the life of a group of bohemians struggling in modern day East Village New York. The story centers around Mark and Roger, two roommates. While a former tragedy has made Roger numb to life, Mark tries to capture it through his attempts to make a film. In the year that follows, the group deals with love, loss, AIDS, and modern day life in one truly powerful story.

九十年代的名垂千古!。百老汇舞台上的波希米亚生活。生活在此处,不在别处——就我浅显的理解谈谈RENT。波希米亚咏叹调。活蹦乱跳的罐头鱼。No Day But Today——《吉屋出租》。seasons of love。纽约灵魂。5星。最后一日。

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