1119年,“圣殿骑士团”成立,他们是经验丰富的职业军队,积聚了相当可观的财富。   1307年10月5日,法国国王想通过打击圣殿骑士团,没收其财富,以补充日趋窘困的财政开支。但是,圣殿骑士团却巧妙地把大量财富隐藏了起来。   在遥远的今天,几个丹麦的小孩在一次偶然的情况下知道了这份宝藏,但是打开宝藏需要特定的符号,于是他们决定一起去寻找这份宝藏,但是路途异常艰辛,他们能否找到这份宝藏?

Danish brilliant pre-teen student Nis uses his summer holiday to learn Latin so he can properly study the Knights Templar inheritance on Bjornholm island from sources. His friends Mathias, a dumb jock, and Kathrine, who only comes to spend time wear her dad, who really wanted a boy, prefer childish fun, but get dragged in his quest for a treasure. Mats's strength, Kathrine's connections and even Nis's bratty kid sister's blunt remarks contribute to find out about two brotherhoods, heirs of 12th century factions in the Templar order and deal with danger.


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