鸡汤书籍《我该如何帮你去帮助他人》作者迈克尔·斯通(Michael Stone)来到辛辛那提,准备在一场大会上发表励志演说。这个面临中年危机的已婚男人邂逅了一位不善言辞的销售代理丽莎(Lisa),两人碰出了火花,由此展开了一段婚外情。

Michael Stone, an author that specializes in customer service, is a man who is unable to interact deeply with other people. His low sensitivity to excitement, and his lack of interest made him a man with a repetitive life on his own perspective. But, when he went on a business trip, he met a stranger - an extraordinary stranger, which slowly became a cure for his negative view on life that possibly will change his mundane life.

严肃影评#11:考夫曼的镜子 – 10/10。这坚固的世界,或许是我们自己设下的骗局。这一次查理.考夫曼做了减法——奥斯卡&金球奖:最佳动画提名《失常》漫谈。反常的天堂。披着 R 级定格动画的,给成年人的镜子。亲友很多但依旧孤独的城市狗都该看看。[FW] ★榮獲本屆威尼斯影展評審團大獎。FIFF16丨DAY5《失常》:我想失掉所有平常,却发现自己依然落入平常。万绿从中一点红。人人都是恋声癖,因为人人都厌倦。

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