
In Daniel Goldhaber and Isa Mazzei's paranoid horror thriller "Cam," an erotic webcam performer finds her followers stolen by a doppelganger who hijacks her channel, pushes the sexual envelope farther, and otherwise seems determined to destroy her life. Call it identity theft of a sexy, possibly supernatural kind.

粗略的回顾一下。网/亡 红(影评,cam)。图灵测试。(解析)畸形世界下自卑人格创造的虚拟激情。制服诱惑、割喉、吞枪,这位女主播胆儿真大...。为了挣钱直播自杀,这些网红咋想的?。直播秀。概念先行 逻辑缺失。直播开车在线翻车——《禁入直播》。遇见直播中的自己。

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