《飘移凶间》的故事讲述祖小艾和伍子茂、陆子寿三人在玫瑰山庄内,认识了性格孤僻的漫画小说家小梅,还有双腿瘫痪的毛志坚(黄秋生 饰)。毛志坚曾目睹亲子车祸死亡,从此双腿瘫痪。他有一位双目失明的太太,夫妻恩爱如昔。毛志坚结识了祖小丽,因为小丽和他从前的小儿子一样喜欢唐老鸭,但毛太太不喜欢祖小丽,结果引发出一段段恐怖的故事。

Two young men who always dream of joining the show biz meet a frivolous young actress in an old house during shooting of a movie. The three also befriended a couple living next door whose son died of traffic accident years ago. They also come to know a freakish cartoonist in the neighborhood. But the two young men have never expected that people around them are suffering from nightmares, and their own nightmares are about to begin.


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