本片根据美国畅销作家丹•布朗的同名小说改编。欧洲核子中心的科学家维多利亚•维特勒(阿耶莱特•祖瑞尔 Ayelet Zurer 饰)与父亲在高速粒子对撞机实验中收集到了反物质,却发现父亲遇害,尸体胸口被烙“光照派”符号,高爆炸性的反物质被偷走,出现在正待选新教皇的罗马梵蒂冈,威胁天主教廷及整个罗马的安危。于此同时,四位主要教皇候选人的红衣主教神秘失踪。在教皇内侍(伊万•麦克格雷格 Ewan McGregor 饰)的授意下,哈佛大学的符号学专家罗伯特•兰登教授和维多利亚都被请到梵蒂冈协助罗马警察开展搜寻行动。兰登说服罗马总探员奥利维迪(皮耶法兰西斯柯•法维诺Pierfrancesco Favino 饰)依照“土、气、火、水”的提示在罗马的名胜教堂间与“光照派”展开了时间战……

Following the murder of a physicist, Father Silvano Bentivoglio, a symbolist, Robert Langdon, and a scientist, Vittoria Vetra, are on an adventure involving a secret brotherhood, the Illuminati. Clues lead them all around the Vatican, including the four altars of science, Earth, Air, Fire and Water. An assassin, working for the Illuminati, has captured four cardinals, and murders each, painfully. Robert and Vittoria also are searching for a new very destructive weapon that could kill millions.

骂你都是便宜你!。我这儿有一颗星是专程给McGregor的。一个处男的阴谋。小说改编电影的成功范例。玩悬念,玩人文……改成电影就杯具……。“天使与魔鬼”扫盲班。原来我始终是个花痴。天使很丰满 魔鬼很骨感。【转贴】艾小柯:宇宙零秒。改编功过。

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